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주말을 제외하고 격일로 반복되는 회의를 만드는 방법은 무엇입니까?

격일로 발생하지만 Outlook에서 모든 주말을 제외하는 되풀이 모임을 만들고 싶다고 가정 해 보겠습니다. 어떻게 달성 할 수 있습니까? 이 기사에서는 다음과 같은 솔루션을 소개합니다.

Outlook에서 주말을 제외하고 격일로 반복되는 모임 만들기

Outlook에서 주말을 제외하고 격일로 반복되는 모임 만들기

격일로 반복되지만 Outlook에서 주말을 제외하는 되풀이 모임을 만들려면 다음과 같이하십시오.

1. 에서 칼렌더 보기, 클릭하십시오> 새로운 회의 새 회의를 만듭니다.

2. 이제 빈 회의 창이 열립니다. 회의 > 회귀. 스크린 샷보기 :

3. 팝업 약속 반복 대화 상자에서 다음을 수행하십시오.

A. 에서 반복 패턴 섹션, 제발 (1) ~을 체크하다 주간 선택권, (2) 지정하다 1 주마다 반복하고 (3) 격주로 확인하십시오. 월요일, 수요일 금요일. 위의 스크린 샷 참조 :
B. 필요에 따라 미팅 시리즈의 약속 시간과 반복 범위를 지정하십시오.
C. 클릭 OK 버튼을 클릭합니다.

4. 이제 회의 시리즈 창으로 돌아갑니다. 참석자, 주제, 위치를 추가하고 회의 콘텐츠를 작성하고 전송 버튼을 클릭합니다.

Outlook에서 중복 이메일을 빠르게 검색하고 삭제합니다.

Outlook 용 Kutools 중복 이메일 기능을 사용하면 여러 메일 폴더에서 빠르게 찾아서 삭제하거나 Outlook에서 두 번의 클릭으로 선택한 항목에서 모든 중복 항목을 찾아 삭제할 수 있습니다.

광고 삭제 중복 이메일 kto 9.50

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최고의 사무 생산성 도구

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이상 100 특징 당신의 탐험을 기다려주세요! 더 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.



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How about when you have a task to do on the 1st of every month... but you want it to be the first WORK DAY of the month... I set up the appointment for day 1 every 1 month, but it is scheduling on the weekends if the 1st falls there. In earlier versions PRIOR to 365, there were many more options and flexibility with scheduling. There used to be an option where it asks you "if falls on a weekend" and then gave you options (keep, move to work day prior - aka friday... or move to work day after - aka Monday) Not having this function is really messing with my time and efficiency creating double bookings when I have tasks that should have had the time blocked. ugh...
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Hi there,

I checked the Reccurence page on Outlook 365, there is an option of the first weekday of every month.

Hope this could help you.

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This solution does not work with Outlook 365 on the Mac. In the new design there is no option to pick the recurrence days.
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How do you set up a recurring for every 5 days, not including weekend. Like a rotating reminder to work a specific log every 5 days. So it would not always be a specific day, like a Monday or Tuesday, that I would work this log but every Fifth day?
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Follow the guidance to open the Appointment Recurrence dialog box, and then tick all weekdays except Sunday and Saturday.
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wrong solution. Every other day (every second day) means: M - W - F - .- Tu - Th - . - M ....
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I guess this solution does not solve the problem. The days are not alternate, as in Friday is followed by Tuesday when we exclude weekends. IMO, with MS Outlook such a case cannot be executed.
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If you want to do this, you can do it by:
1. Set up a recurring M, W, F meeting for every other week.
2. Set up a recurring T, Th meeting for every other week (specifically during the weeks when the M, W, F occurrence is skipped).

I don't know why you would need to have these meetings occur every other day so strictly (as opposed to just having them M, W, F every week, for example), but if you need to do it that should work.
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You do this when there is a rotation. My team has a task rotation. I do the task every 4th day excluding weekends. If I do Monday then the next is Thursday then Tuesday Then Friday.
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Thank you! This was exactly what I needed.

I need to pick up kids every even day and wife will pick up uneven days - your suggestion saved the day :)
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