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Outlook : 폴더의 메시지 수 표시 및보기

각 메시지 폴더 뒤에 숫자가 표시되어 폴더에서 읽지 않은 메시지 수를 나타냅니다. 예를 들어 받은 편지함 5, 읽지 않은 메시지 XNUMX 개가받은 편지함 폴더에 남아 있음을 의미합니다.

경우에 따라 읽지 않은 수 대신 총 항목 수가 필요할 수 있습니다 (예 : 삭제 된 메시지의 총 수, 정크 메일 등).하지만 Outlook에서 총 항목 수를 표시하고 보는 방법은 무엇입니까? 이를 수행하는 몇 가지 트릭이 있습니다.

방법 A : 탐색 창에서 직접 메시지 수보기

방법 B : 해당 폴더 뒤에있는 총 항목 수 표시

Office 탭 - Microsoft Office에서 탭 편집 및 탐색을 활성화하여 작업을 원활하게 만듭니다.
Outlook용 Kutools - 탁월한 효율성을 위한 100개 이상의 고급 기능으로 Outlook 향상
이러한 고급 기능으로 Outlook 2021~2010 또는 Outlook 365를 향상하세요. 포괄적인 60일 무료 평가판을 즐기고 이메일 경험을 향상시키십시오!

화살표 블루 오른쪽 거품방법 A : 탐색 창에서 직접 메시지 수보기

POP3 이메일 계정의 경우

POP3 계정을 사용하는 경우 다음 단계에 따라 탐색 창에서 메시지 번호를 볼 수 있습니다.

하나의 메시지 폴더를 선택하고 강조 표시하면이 폴더의 항목 번호와 읽지 않은 번호가 탐색 창 하단에 자동으로 표시됩니다.

걸릴 받은 편지함 예를 들면. 당신은 볼 수 있습니다 받은 편지함 5 탐색 창에서. 먼저받은 편지함을 클릭하고 강조 표시하면 항목 : 58 읽지 않음 : 5 탐색 창 하단에 있습니다. 다음 스크린 샷을 참조하십시오.

IMAP 이메일 계정의 경우

Microsoft Outlook 2007에서 IMAP 전자 메일 계정을 사용하는 경우 위의 방법이 잘 작동하지만 Outlook 2010 및 2013에서는 탐색 창 하단에 항목 번호와 읽지 않은 번호가 없습니다. 필터 적용.

이 경우 먼저 IMAP 이메일 계정의 데이터 파일에 속한 폴더를 선택한 다음 보기 변경 > IMAP 메시지 를 시청하여 이에 대해 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 관측 Microsoft Outlook 2010 및 2013의 탭.

그러면 탐색 창 하단에 선택한 폴더의 항목 번호와 읽지 않은 번호가 즉시 표시됩니다.

화살표 블루 오른쪽 거품방법 B : 해당 폴더 뒤에있는 총 항목 수 표시

다른 방법은 해당 폴더 뒤에 항목 번호를 표시하는 것입니다. 다음과 같이 할 수 있습니다.

1 단계 : 항목 번호를 표시 할 폴더를 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하고 등록 오른쪽 클릭 메뉴에서.

2 단계 : (폴더) 속성 대화 상자에서 총 항목 수 표시 옵션을 선택합니다.

3 단계 : OK 버튼을 클릭합니다.

그러면 선택한 폴더 뒤에있는 번호가 읽지 않은 항목 수에서 한 번에 총 항목 수로 변경됩니다. 다음 스크린 샷을 참조하십시오.

최고의 사무 생산성 도구

Outlook 용 Kutools - 귀하의 전망을 강화하는 100개 이상의 강력한 기능

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이상 100 특징 당신의 탐험을 기다려주세요! 더 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.



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Je cite " cliquez et mettez en surbrillance la boîte de réception, puis vous verrez le ARTICLE: 58 Non lu: 5 au bas du volet de navigation. "
Je cherche à avoir cette affichage car à ce jour je ne peux pas avoir et le nombre de message lu et non lu. L'affichage n'y est plus.
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Hi there,

Please right-click on the status bar and make sure that you have checked the below two options:
The message "ARTICLE: 58 Non lu: 5" should be in the bottom-left corner of your Outlook page when you select the Inbox folder. Please check it there.

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Here's a challenge for you.
I can't get scripts to work to autosave attachments so I've created a rule to copy incoming messages to another email folder.
I don't want that folder to show ANY number since I can't find a way to automatically mark the copy as read without looking at it. I want this so that when I'm on leave, I will still receive a copy of quotes that are created.

Any ideas?
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Hi there,

Please add the below VBA code to a module:
Public Sub MakeUnread(MItem As Outlook.MailItem)
  On Error Resume Next
  MItem.UnRead = True
End Sub

Then create a rule to run the script:
Note: You should select conditions to filer the messages to apply this rule as you need.

Then create a rule with both of the two actions as shown below to copy and move the messages to the certain folder and mark them as read:
Note: You should select conditions to filer the messages to apply this rule as you need.

Make sure the spript rule is listed below the move and mark as read rule. If not, select the script rule and click on the down arrow to move it down.

Hope the above method could help you.

By the way, I noticed that you did the rules because you could not autosave attachments. Why don't you try the Auto Save feature from Kutools for Outlook? The add-in offers a free trial for 60 days with no limitations: https://www.extendoffice.com/download/kutools-for-outlook.html

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Hi Amanda.

Thanks for that. I think I understand what you're telling me, though so far, despite copying scripts from websites, none of them have worked for me. They don't save a copy of the attachment, mark anything as read or unread and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm literally copying and pasting and changing only the save directory where I'm told to do so.

My understanding of "Move (or copy) to a folder and mark as read" means that it makes the copy in the selected folder then marks the original email as read. I want it to make the copy to another folder and then the copy be marked as read while the original email remains unread. Or is that what your script does?

I tried Kutools earlier this evening and after stuffing around with scripts that don't work and Power Automate which gives me a headache, Kutools Save Attachment function does EXACTLY what I wanted to do with autosaving an attachment. Alas, it's a work computer so I doubt they'd let me install it, and I can't see them spending $US17,000 for the entire company so that I alone can save attachments automatically.

Even if I bought a single licence myself, they probably wouldn't let me install it. Besides, I can't afford the single licence. And since I can't speak or read any language other than English, I can't partake the translation for a free licence option either.

I'll have to satisfy myself with a rule that copies the whole email to another folder and leaves a great big number alerting any nosy person that a copy of an unread email has been made.
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Hi there,

The rule as shown below will mark the both origianl email and copied one as read.

And the VBA code to be add to a module and embeded in the script rule will mark the original email as unread.

We've tried the rules in our computer, it should work well. Please make sure that the spript rule is listed below the move and mark as read rule. 🙂

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my inbox shows 72 unread items on the bottom of the screen I see the ##.# GB free and next to it is Items: 5,012. This doesn't appear to be an accurate count. I have deleted items older than 6 months and used conversation clean up, if I scroll through the emails manually, the count seems to be way off. How do I get this number reduced. Thank you for your assistance.
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I am trying to display total messages in my folder in my outlook365 email, but when I right click on the folder in question (as suggested above) I do not get the properties option, only a limited set of options, anybody know why?
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Why is the number next to my Inbox folder (14--which I understand represents the number of unread emails) different from the number next to my Unread Mail folder (13)?
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This achieves the objective of showing total items, instead of Filter applied, but if that filter is hide deleted messages all the deleted messages then appear. This is very annoying, so how do you achieve both an item count at the bottom of the page while continuing to hide all deleted messages? Until two days ago this is what I had but something seems to have changed and I can find no way to rectify it.
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I agree with comments made by Rhonda. I too want to see the number of emails in each folder. This seems to have disappeared with the changes. I am also working off a MAC! Please help! This is a bad change!
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I want the number of emails in any folder to show in the task bar at the bottom of Outlook, as it did in previous setup. The above doesn't help as I know how to select, against each folder either new or all emails. Best of both worlds, select new against the folder itself and have the task bar show the total number of emails in the folder - this is how it used to be. Would appreciate help. thankyou
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I know how to apply this setting, my issue is that I'm trying to set it for a 'Shared mailbox' and after applying the setting it reverts back to 'show unread' within about ~15 seconds. Why won't it keep the setting and how do I correct it to keep 'show all' permanently?
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[quote]I know how to apply this setting, my issue is that I'm trying to set it for a 'Shared mailbox' and after applying the setting it reverts back to 'show unread' within about ~15 seconds. Why won't it keep the setting and how do I correct it to keep 'show all' permanently?By Brian[/quote] Did you ever figure this out, I have the same issue???
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Hi, I'm looking for a way to display the numbers in the Navigation Pane like you suggest in Method A. I used to have it this way, but suddenly it disappeared. I don't know what I've done to make this setting... Can you help me out? Thanks in advance!
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