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Excel에서 지정된 셀의 총 클릭 수를 계산하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

이 기사에서는 Excel의 지정된 셀에서 총 클릭 수를 계산하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.

VBA 코드를 사용하여 지정된 셀의 총 클릭 수 계산

VBA 코드를 사용하여 지정된 셀의 총 클릭 수 계산

Excel에서 지정된 셀의 총 클릭 수를 계산하려면 다음과 같이하십시오.

1. 워크 시트에 총 클릭 수를 계산하는 데 필요한 셀이 포함되어 있고 시트 탭을 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭 한 다음 코드보기 컨텍스트 메뉴에서.

2. 에서 응용 프로그램 용 Microsoft Visual Basic 창에서 VBA 코드 아래에 복사하여 코드 창에 붙여 넣으십시오.

VBA 코드 : Excel의 지정된 셀에서 총 클릭 수 계산

Public xRgS, xRgD As Range
Public xNum As Long
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgS = Range("E2")
    If xRgS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgD = Range("H2")
    If xRgD Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Intersect(xRgS, Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xNum = xNum + 1
    xRgD.Value = xNum
End Sub

주의 사항: 코드에서 E2는 총 클릭 수를 계산하는 데 필요한 셀이고 H2는 계산의 출력 셀입니다. 필요에 따라 변경하십시오.

3. 누르세요 다른 + Q 닫는 키 응용 프로그램 용 Microsoft Visual Basic 창.

이제부터이 지정된 워크 시트에서 E2 셀을 클릭하면 아래 스크린 샷과 같이 H2 셀에 총 클릭 수가 자동으로 채워집니다. 예를 들어 E2 셀을 5 번 클릭하면 H5 셀에 숫자 2가 표시됩니다.

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Excel용 Kutools로 Excel 기술을 강화하고 이전과는 전혀 다른 효율성을 경험해 보세요. Excel용 Kutools는 생산성을 높이고 시간을 절약하기 위해 300개 이상의 고급 기능을 제공합니다.  가장 필요한 기능을 얻으려면 여기를 클릭하십시오...

상품 설명

Office Tab은 Office에 탭 인터페이스를 제공하여 작업을 훨씬 쉽게 만듭니다.

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint에서 탭 편집 및 읽기 사용, Publisher, Access, Visio 및 Project.
  • 새 창이 아닌 동일한 창의 새 탭에서 여러 문서를 열고 만듭니다.
  • 생산성을 50% 높이고 매일 수백 번의 마우스 클릭을 줄입니다!
Comments (31)
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thanks for your amazing code.
as i use this, the counter get restarted every time i open the file,
is there any solution for this issue?
i need to see thclick counts in a larger time window

thanks in advance
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Hi Mehrdad,
I am sorry to reply to you so late. The following code can help solve your problem. Every time you open the file, the counter will start counting from the last counted number.

Public xRgS, xRgD As Range
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230407
Public xNum As Long
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgS = Range("E2")
    If xRgS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgD = Range("H2")
    If xRgD Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Intersect(xRgS, Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    xNum = xRgD.Value
    xNum = xNum + 1
    xRgD.Value = xNum
End Sub
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Hola. Muchas gracias por los códigos.
Me gustaría saber cómo contar las veces que se hace clic sobre un enlace en una celda.
Muchas gracias.
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Hi jose maria,
To count the clicks on a hyperlink, you can try the following VBA code.
Suppose hyperlinks are in column A and you want the number of clicks to be populated in the corresponding cell of column B (as shown in the screenshot below)
Please put the following code in the worksheet (code) window.

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220805
    Dim Hyperlink As Range
    Set Hyperlink = Target.Range

    Hyperlink.Offset(0, 1) = Hyperlink.Offset(0, 1) + 1
End Sub

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Bonjour ,
j'aimerai comment je pourrais le nombre de clics sur les cellules D10 à M10 et le retranscrire à la ligne R10 et le faire pour toutes les lignes suivante donc compter les clics sur les cellules D11 à M11 et le transcrire à la ligne R11 etc etc ?

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To count the number of clicks from D10 to M10 and output the total number of clicks in R10, you can apply the following VBA code to get it done.
Note: In the code, the range "D10:M30" means that the code only works from the row 10 to row 30, so please specify the rows you want to count.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220609
    Dim xNum As Long
    Dim xRgCount, xRg As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

    Set xRg = Range("D10:M30")
    If Intersect(xRg, Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRgCount = Range("R" & Target.Row)
    If IsNumeric(xRgCount.Value) Then
        xNum = xRgCount.Value + 1
        xNum = 1
    End If
    xRgCount.Value = xNum
End Sub
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Is there a way to backtrack the number count? For exemple: I'd made 5 clicks, but I just wanted 3. So I change the number in the cell to 3, and when I click again, it continues from 3. OR have the ability to press another cell and decrease the count by 1 if that is easier.
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Hi, thank you for these VBA codes, they almost work for my needs. I fear the fact I need to go past double digits means it will not work. I need to have C8 through to C110 and the corresponding tally count being L8 through to L110. Can you help? Many thanks in advance.
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Hi Andy,The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please have a try.<div data-tag="code">Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xRgS, xRgD As Range
Dim xStrRg As String
Dim xCStr, xVStr As String
Dim xItem As Integer
xCStr = "C8:C110" 'The range of cells you want to record the clicks of each cell
xVStr = "L8:L110" 'The range of cells to place the records in
Set xRgS = Range(xCStr)
Set xRgD = Range(xVStr)
If Not (Intersect(xRgS, Target) Is Nothing) Then
xItem = Target.Row - xRgS.Item(1).Row + 1
xRgD.Item(xItem).Value = xRgD.Item(xItem).Value + 1
End If
End Sub
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Hi, I'm trying to find a way of counting the number of times 20 different cells are being clicked (each one should be counted separately). I came across your VBA code suggestion, tried to adjust it to my specific needs but it won't work. can you please advise how the code should be written? the cells that I would like to count and the cells that the values should appear in are: F12>AU12, F13>AU13, G12>AV12, G13>AV13, H10>AW10, H11>AW11, H12>AW12, H13>AW13, H14>AW14, H15>AW15, I10>AX10, I11>AX11, I12>AX12, I13>AX13, I14>AX14, I15>AX15, J12>AY12, J13>AY13, K12>AZ12, K13>AZ13).
This is the VBA code I've tried with no success:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xRgArray As Variant
Dim xNum
Dim xStrR, xStrS, xStrD As String
Dim xRgS, xRgD As Range

Dim xFNum As Long
xRgArray = Array("F12,AU12", "F13,AU13", "G12,AV12", "G13,AV13", "H10,AW10", "H11,AW11", "H12,AW12", "H13,AW13", "H14,AW14", "H15,AW15", "I10,AX10", "I11,AX11", "I12,AX12", "I13,AX13", "I14,AX14", "I15,AX15", "J12,AY12", "J13,AY13", "K12,AZ12", "K13,AZ13")
On Error Resume Next
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
For xFNum = LBound(xRgArray) To UBound(xRgArray)
xStrR = xRgArray(xFNum)
xStrS = ""
xStrS = Left(xStrR, 2)
xStrD = ""
xStrD = Right(xStrR, 2)
Set xRgS = Nothing
Set xRgS = Range(xStrS)
If TypeName(xRgS) <> "Nothing" Then
Set xRgD = Nothing
Set xRgD = Range(xStrD)
If TypeName(xRgD) <> "Nothing" Then
If TypeName(Intersect(xRgS, Target)) <> "Nothing" Then
xRgD.Value = xRgD.Value + 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Thank you in advance, for your help.
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Hi,The below code can help. Please have a try. Thank you.<div data-tag="code">Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim xRgS, xRgD As Range
Dim xStrRg As String
Dim xFNum As Integer
Dim xArr1, xArr2
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
xStrRg = "F12-AU12; F13-AU13; G12-AV12; G13-AV13; H10-AW10; H11-AW11; H12-AW12; H13-AW13; H14-AW14; H15-AW15; I10-AX10; I11-AX11; I12-AX12; I13-AX13; I14-AX14; I15-AX15; J12-AY12; J13-AY13; K12-AZ12; K13-AZ13"
On Error Resume Next
xArr1 = Split(xStrRg, ";")
For xFNum = 0 To UBound(xArr1)
xArr2 = Split(xArr1(xFNum), "-")
Set xRgS = Range(xArr2(0))
Set xRgD = Range(xArr2(1))
If Not (Intersect(xRgS, Target) Is Nothing) Then
xRgD.Value = xRgD.Value + 1
End If
End Sub
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Crystal, The Above code is great for the sheet I am working with, thank you. But I have a question about adding a time macro so that everyday (excluding weekends) the tally moves to the next row in the sheet for example:

Row 3 - 7/1/2021 "B1-B3; C1-C3; D1-D3"
Row 4 - 7/2/2021 "B1-B4; C1-C4; D1-D4"
Row 5 - 7/3/2021 "B1-B5; C1-C5; D1-D5"

If this is possible? thx, Ken
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The Above corrected code is great for the sheet I am working with, thank you. But I have a question about adding a time macro so that everyday (excluding weekends) the tally moves to the next row in the sheet for example:
Row 3 - 7/1/2021 "B1-B3; C1-C3; D1-D3"Row 4 - 7/2/2021 "B1-B4; C1-C4; D1-D4"Row 5 - 7/3/2021 "B1-B5; C1-C5; D1-D5"
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Como zerar a contagem? How to reset the score?
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If you want to reset the counter, please add the below VBA code at the end of the original code which has been provided above, and then run it.

Sub ClearCount()
xRgD.Value = ""
xNum = 0
End Sub
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Can you provide a code that allows counting clicks from A2, B2 cells through A14, B14 cells. Thanks in advance.
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Hi Barbara,
Do you mean counting the total clicks in range A2:B14? Or clicks for each cell in range A2:B14?
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Hay alguna manera de programar el conteo de clicks de acuerdo a la fecha, es decir programar varias celdas para que cuenten con la fecha del día?
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Hello, there is a way to back the counting for any number that I want? For exemple: I'd made 5 clicks, but i just wanted 3. So I change the number in the cell to 3, and when I click again, it continue from 3.
Thank for the code!
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Sorry can’t help you with this, welcome to post any question about Excel to our forum: https://www.extendoffice.com/forum.html. You will get more Excel supports from our professional or other Excel fans.
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