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통합 문서를 닫기 전에 특정 셀을 필수 입력으로 만드는 방법은 무엇입니까?

예를 들어 실명 등록이 필요한 설문 조사를 수행하기 위해 통합 문서를 다른 사용자와 공유하는 경우 조사중인 모든 사용자는 B1에 자신의 이름을 입력해야합니다. 그러나 일부 사용자는 조사 후 이름을 입력하지 않고 통합 문서를 닫을 수 있습니다. 이 기사에서는 통합 문서를 닫기 전에 특정 셀을 필수로 만드는 VBA를 소개합니다.

VBA로 셀 필수 입력 만들기

화살표 블루 오른쪽 거품 VBA로 셀 필수 입력 만들기

1. 필수 셀이 포함 된 통합 문서를 활성화하고 Alt + F11 여는 열쇠 응용 프로그램 용 Microsoft Visual Basic 창.

2. 에서 프로젝트 창, 두 번 클릭 이 워크북, 선택으로 이동 통합 문서닫기 전 오른쪽 섹션 목록에서 스크립트에 코드 아래에 붙여 넣습니다. 스크린 샷보기 :

VBA : 셀을 필수로 설정

    If Cells(1, 2).Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Cell B1 requires user input", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
        Cancel = True
    End If

문서 필수 입력 1

3. 그런 다음이 코드를 저장하고 팝업 창을 닫습니다. 이제 통합 문서를 닫을 때 B1 셀이 비어 있으면 B1에 무언가를 입력하라는 메시지가 표시되는 아래 대화 상자가 나타납니다. 스크린 샷보기 :
문서 필수 입력 2

: B1 셀을 원하는 다른 셀로 변경할 수 있습니다.

최고의 사무 생산성 도구

🤖 Kutools AI 보좌관: 다음을 기반으로 데이터 분석을 혁신합니다. 지능형 실행   |  코드 생성  |  사용자 정의 수식 만들기  |  데이터 분석 및 차트 생성  |  Kutools 기능 호출...
인기 기능: 중복 항목 찾기, 강조 표시 또는 식별   |  빈 행 삭제   |  데이터 손실 없이 열이나 셀 결합   |   수식없이 반올림 ...
슈퍼 조회: 다중 기준 VLookup    다중 값 VLookup  |   여러 시트에 걸친 VLookup   |   퍼지 조회 ....
고급 드롭다운 목록: 드롭다운 목록을 빠르게 생성   |  종속 드롭다운 목록   |  다중 선택 드롭 다운 목록 ....
열 관리자: 특정 개수의 열 추가  |  열 이동  |  Toggle 숨겨진 열의 가시성 상태  |  범위 및 열 비교 ...
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상위 15개 도구 세트12 본문 도구 (텍스트 추가, 문자 제거,...)   |   50+ 거래차트 유형 (Gantt 차트,...)   |   40+ 실용 방식 (생일을 기준으로 나이 계산,...)   |   19 삽입 도구 (QR 코드 삽입, 경로에서 그림 삽입,...)   |   12 매출 상승 도구 (숫자를 단어로, 환율,...)   |   7 병합 및 분할 도구 (고급 결합 행, 셀 분할,...)   |   ... 그리고 더

Excel용 Kutools로 Excel 기술을 강화하고 이전과는 전혀 다른 효율성을 경험해 보세요. Excel용 Kutools는 생산성을 높이고 시간을 절약하기 위해 300개 이상의 고급 기능을 제공합니다.  가장 필요한 기능을 얻으려면 여기를 클릭하십시오...

상품 설명

Office Tab은 Office에 탭 인터페이스를 제공하여 작업을 훨씬 쉽게 만듭니다.

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint에서 탭 편집 및 읽기 사용, Publisher, Access, Visio 및 Project.
  • 새 창이 아닌 동일한 창의 새 탭에서 여러 문서를 열고 만듭니다.
  • 생산성을 50% 높이고 매일 수백 번의 마우스 클릭을 줄입니다!
Comments (31)
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How would I do this if I am wanting to to apply to the entire workbook with the exception of a few columns. I have columns A:AA and currently have 4,527 rows but more will be added and I will need to make sure the new rows have the same requirement. I need all fields to be requires with the exception of the below.

• Artemis (Column A)
• Host Access Location (Column H)
• Creation Tool (Synthesia) (Column R)
• Search Terms (Column U)
• Notes (Column V)
• eReview SME (column Z)
• Voice Talent (column AA)

Can you please assist in how I can set this up and include any future rows a added?
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How would I do this if I am wanting to to apply to the entire workbook with the exception of a few columns. I have columns A:AA and currently have 4,527 rows but more will be added and I will need to make sure the new rows have the same requirement. I need all fields to be requires with the exception of the below.

• Artemis (Column A)
• Host Access Location (Column H)
• Creation Tool (Synthesia) (Column R)
• Search Terms (Column U)
• Notes (Column V)
• eReview SME (column Z)
• Voice Talent (column AA)

Can you please assist in how I can set this up and include any future rows a added?
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Sorry Sir,

For somebody using VBA for first time, can you please provide some guidance on how to initiate this? I want each row to have same feature I.E. (until one completes all info on row)
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Hi, PM, just follow the steps in this article, then replace the code with the code I provided for you, and then save it. And when you share the workbook to others whose username are different with you, they will be asked to fill every cell in the range (a1:c3, you can change it in the code) until they fill all.
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Thank you so very much, apologies I did not reply back.
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Do mention it. I am glad that can help you.
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Can I email you document so you can best advise me how to implement VBA code so file cannot save if each row is not fully populated? Mine is a bit tricky. Will appreciate the help, been trying for so long.
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Hi, here is a code, it will pops a dialog to remind the user which cell is needed entered, and the workbook cannot be closed and saved until all cells in the range a1:c3 are all filled with contents.
Please modify the script in the code:
1. change the range as you need,
2. change the the user name "Kutools for Excel" in the code to your own username (please make sure other user has no the same user name with you)

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    If Application.UserName <> "Kutools for Excel" Then

        Set Rg = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("a1:c3")

        If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Rg) > 0 Then

            MsgBox Rg.Parent.Name & " " & Rg.Address & " requires user input", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"
            Cancel = True
        End If
    End If

End Sub
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Is het mogelijk om als regel erin te zetten dat als C1 een bepaalde tekst bevat dan D1 ook ingevuld moet worden. Dit moet gelden voor circa 2.000 regels. Het bestand wordt elke keer aangevuld dus het moet alleen gelden voor het aantal regels die nu zijn ingevuld.

Wanneer ik volgende functie erin zet werkt het niet zoals ik wil omdat ik dan meldingen krijg van cellen die nog aangevuld moeten worden en ik wil een tekst als waarde en geen cijfer.

Als Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B16:B300")) > 0 then

If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("D16:D300")) <> Range("D16:D300").Count Then

MsgBox "Cell D16:D300 vereist gebruikersinvoer", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"

Annuleren = Waar

End If

End If

Gr emma
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Is it possible to create a code in a new generated workbook? the scenario is, I will generate a new workbook, and that generated workbook must have a mandatory field to be filled, the user cannot save unless it is not filled the mandatory field. I have already created, generated a new workbook. my problem is, the new generated workbook does not have a code.
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Question, the code worked, but how can choose a range from A7:M7 up to the last row?

and whenever the user will save or close the workbook, the mandatory field have to be filled out
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Hi, Lester, here is a code we modified may help you, change the range A2:F2 to the range as you need.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim xRgCount As Integer

Dim xURg As Range

Dim xStr As String

Dim xWSh As Worksheet

Dim xRg, xRg1, xRg2, xRg3 As Range

xStr = "A2:F2"


Set xWSh = Application.ActiveSheet

Set xRg = xWSh.Range(xStr)

Set xURg = xWSh.UsedRange

Set xRg1 = xWSh.Cells.Item(xRg.Row + xRg.Rows.Count, 1)

Set xRg2 = xURg.Item(xURg.Count)

Set xRg3 = xWSh.Range(xRg1, xRg2)

Debug.Print xRg3.Address

If (xURg.Row + xURg.Rows.Count - 1) > (xRg.Row + xRg.Rows.Count - 1) Then

   If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(xRg3) <> xRg3.Count Then

    MsgBox "There are blank cells under range A2:F2", vbInformation, "Kutools for Excel"

Cancel = True

   End If

End If

End Sub

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Is there a way to make a cells input mandatory before an Active X command button can be used? I have a command button setup to submit a form via email but want to make certain cells mandatory before the button will submit the email.
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Hi, Craig, sorry this problem cannot be solved here, maybe other else can help you.
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i want to make the tick marks mandatory in sheet
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I want to make rows C2 to C7 mandatory and C13 to C19 mandatory?

Any help?

2 sets of ranges are here but under the same column.
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