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Excel의 다른 열에 동일한 값이있는 경우 셀을 연결하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

아래 스크린샷과 같이 첫 번째 열의 동일한 값을 기준으로 두 번째 열의 셀을 연결하려는 경우 여러 가지 방법을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 기사에서는 이 작업을 수행하는 세 가지 방법을 소개합니다.

같은 경우 결합

수식 및 필터를 사용하여 동일한 값인 경우 셀 연결

다음 수식은 다른 열의 동일한 값을 기반으로 한 열의 해당 셀 내용을 연결하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

1. 두 번째 열 (여기서는 C2 셀 선택) 옆에있는 빈 셀을 선택하고 수식을 입력합니다. = IF (A2 <> A1, B2, C1 & ","& B2) 수식 표시 줄에 입력 한 다음 엔터 버튼 키.

2. 그런 다음 C2 셀을 선택하고 연결해야하는 셀로 채우기 핸들을 아래로 끕니다.

3. 공식 입력 = IF (A2 <> A3, CONCATENATE (A2, "," "", C2, "" ""), "") D2 셀에 삽입하고 Fill Handle을 나머지 셀로 드래그합니다.

4. D1 셀을 선택하고 Data > 필터. 스크린 샷보기 :

5. D1 셀의 드롭 다운 화살표를 클릭하고 (공백) 상자를 클릭 한 다음 OK 버튼을 클릭합니다.

첫 번째 열 값이 동일하면 셀이 연결된 것을 볼 수 있습니다.

주의 사항: 위의 공식을 성공적으로 사용하려면 A 열의 동일한 값이 연속적이어야합니다.

Excel 용 Kutools (몇 번의 클릭)와 동일한 값이면 셀을 쉽게 연결

위에서 설명한 방법은 두 개의 도우미 열을 생성해야 하며 여러 단계를 포함하므로 불편할 수 있습니다. 더 간단한 방법을 찾고 있다면 다음을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 고급 결합 행 도구 Excel 용 Kutools. 몇 번의 클릭만으로 이 유틸리티를 사용하면 특정 구분 기호를 사용하여 셀을 연결할 수 있으므로 프로세스가 빠르고 번거롭지 않습니다.

: 이 도구를 적용하기 전에 다음을 설치하십시오. Excel 용 Kutools 첫째로. 지금 무료 다운로드로 이동.

1. 클릭 쿠툴 > 병합 및 분할 > 고급 결합 행 이 기능을 사용하려면
2. 에서 고급 결합 행 대화 상자에서 다음을 수행하기만 하면 됩니다.
  • 연결할 범위를 선택하십시오.
  • 동일한 값으로 열을 설정하십시오. 기본 키 열입니다.
  • 셀을 결합할 구분 기호를 지정합니다.
  •  OK.


주의 사항:

VBA 코드와 동일한 값인 경우 셀 연결

다른 열에 동일한 값이 있는 경우 VBA 코드를 사용하여 열의 셀을 연결할 수도 있습니다.

1. 프레스 다른 + F11 키를 눌러 Microsoft Visual Basic 애플리케이션 창.

2. 에서 Microsoft Visual Basic 애플리케이션 창을 클릭합니다 끼워 넣다 > 모듈. 그런 다음 아래 코드를 복사하여 모듈 창.

VBA 코드 : 동일한 값인 경우 셀 연결

Sub ConcatenateCellsIfSameValues()
	Dim xCol As New Collection
	Dim xSrc As Variant
	Dim xRes() As Variant
	Dim I As Long
	Dim J As Long
	Dim xRg As Range
	xSrc    = Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Resize(, 2)
	Set xRg = Range("D1")
	On Error Resume Next
	For I = 2 To UBound(xSrc)
		xCol.Add xSrc(I, 1), TypeName(xSrc(I, 1)) & CStr(xSrc(I, 1))
	Next I
	On Error GoTo 0
	ReDim xRes(1 To xCol.Count + 1, 1 To 2)
	xRes(1, 1) = "No"
	xRes(1, 2) = "Combined Color"
	For I = 1 To xCol.Count
		xRes(I + 1, 1) = xCol(I)
		For J = 2 To UBound(xSrc)
			If xSrc(J, 1) = xRes(I + 1, 1) Then
				xRes(I + 1, 2) = xRes(I + 1, 2) & ", " & xSrc(J, 2)
			End If
		Next J
		xRes(I + 1, 2) = Mid(xRes(I + 1, 2), 2)
	Next I
	Set xRg = xRg.Resize(UBound(xRes, 1), UBound(xRes, 2))
	xRg.NumberFormat = "@"
	xRg = xRes
End Sub


1. D1 라인에 xRg = Range ( "D1") 설정 결과가 셀 D1부터 시작하여 배치됨을 의미합니다.
2. "아니"및 "결합 색상" 라인에 xRes (1, 1) = "아니오"및 xRes (1, 2) = "결합 된 색상" 선택한 열의 헤더입니다. 

3. 누르세요 F5 키를 눌러 코드를 실행하면 지정된 범위에서 연결된 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.

Excel 용 Kutools와 동일한 값이면 쉽게 셀 연결

최고의 사무 생산성 도구

🤖 Kutools AI 보좌관: 다음을 기반으로 데이터 분석을 혁신합니다. 지능형 실행   |  코드 생성  |  사용자 정의 수식 만들기  |  데이터 분석 및 차트 생성  |  Kutools 기능 호출...
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상품 설명

Office Tab은 Office에 탭 인터페이스를 제공하여 작업을 훨씬 쉽게 만듭니다.

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint에서 탭 편집 및 읽기 사용, Publisher, Access, Visio 및 Project.
  • 새 창이 아닌 동일한 창의 새 탭에서 여러 문서를 열고 만듭니다.
  • 생산성을 50% 높이고 매일 수백 번의 마우스 클릭을 줄입니다!
Comments (23)
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thank you very much, the VBA code works very well but I have a question that I can't solve.

NO Color
1 red
1 blue
1 red
1 yellow
2 red
2 yellow

in this case, in column B we have some duplicate colors related to the same number. How can I have an output that only return the values once?

I would like an output like this

NO Color
1 red, blue, yellow
2 red, yellow
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The second method described in the post can help you solve this problem. After following the steps to specify the settings, checking the Delect Duplicate Values option will delete all duplicates in the combined results.
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Thank you so much for this formula! It saved hours of investigation! Fantastic work :)
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Hi Crystal,

Thanks for your reply. I'll have to put my thinking hat on again...
Thank you
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Hello, the macro above works great! Thank you. Is it anyway possible (I tried, but not successful) to amend it to concatenate column B (description) based on duplicates in column A (HS code) but also taking column C (origin) in the combination?
So description texts concatenate per HS code per origin.
Also column D(quantity) and column E(value) must be summed per HS code and origin.

5407420000 TWEED CN 10 € 150,00
5407420000 COTTON CN 15 € 250,00
5407420000 POLYESTER TW 5 € 130,00
5407420000 ORGANIC COTTON US 18 € 450,00
5407420000 COTTON US 23 € 780,00
5407420000 VELVET DELUXE CN 20 € 380,00
5407420000 COTTON CN 10 € 120,00
5806310000 TWEED JP 15 € 35,00
5806310000 POLYESTER AU 20 € 78,00
5806310000 TWEED AU 25 € 254,00
5806310000 POLYESTER SG 130 € 888,00
5806310000 COTTON EU 120 € 945,00
5806310000 COTTON FABRIC EU 10 € 80,00

Result shopuld be:

5407420000 TWEED, COTTON, VELVET DULUXE, COTTON, CN 55 € 900,00
5407420000 POLYESTER TW 5 € 130,00
5407420000 ORGANIC COTTON, COTTON US 41 € 1230,00
5806310000 TWEED JP 15 € 35,00
5806310000 POLYESTER, TWEED AU 45 € 332,00
5806310000 POLYESTER SG 130 € 888,00
5806310000 COTTON, COTTON FABRIC EU 130 € 1025,00

I hope this possible, thank you!
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Hi Ivar,

Thank you for your comment. I am not able to solve this problem with VBA code yet. Sorry for that.
You can try if the last method can help.
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Hello, how would the VBA code be adjusted if I want to combine cells in column M based on the duplicates in column A?
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Hi Kristin,To combine cells in column M based on the duplicates in column A, try the VBA below.In the code,  O1 is the first cell to output the results; M is the column you will combine based on the duplicates in column A; A1 and A represent the first cell and the column where the duplicates locate; No and Combine color is the header of the columns after concatenating. You can change these variables as needed.<div data-tag="code">Sub ConcatenateCellsIfSameValues()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20211105
Dim xCol As New Collection
Dim xSrc As Variant
Dim xSrcValue As Variant
Dim xRes() As Variant
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xResultAddress As String
Dim xMergeAddress As String
Dim xUp As Integer

xResultAddress = "O1" 'The cell to output the results
xMergeAddress = "M" 'The column you will combine based on the duplicates in column A

xSrc = Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Resize(, 1)
xUp = Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Rows.Count
xSrcValue = Range(xMergeAddress & "1:" & xMergeAddress & xUp)

Set xRg = Range(xResultAddress)
On Error Resume Next
For I = 2 To UBound(xSrc)
xCol.Add xSrc(I, 1), TypeName(xSrc(I, 1)) & CStr(xSrc(I, 1))
Next I

On Error GoTo 0
ReDim xRes(1 To xCol.Count + 1, 1 To 2)
xRes(1, 1) = "No"
xRes(1, 2) = "Combined Color"
For I = 1 To xCol.Count
xRes(I + 1, 1) = xCol(I)
For J = 2 To UBound(xSrc)
If xSrc(J, 1) = xRes(I + 1, 1) Then
xRes(I + 1, 2) = xRes(I + 1, 2) & ", " & xSrcValue(J, 1)
End If
Next J
xRes(I + 1, 2) = Mid(xRes(I + 1, 2), 2)
Next I
Set xRg = xRg.Resize(UBound(xRes, 1), UBound(xRes, 2))
xRg.NumberFormat = "@"
xRg = xRes
End Sub
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I just wanted to thank you. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but man did it help me figure out what to do.

I have a table where the person's name was in column A, dates in column B and the names of tools they use in the headers of columns C:G . In each column there is a "Y" if they used that tool on that date and blank if they did not. (FYI: the same person can be listed more than once and may have used the same tool more than once) On a separate (summary) page I wanted to list all tools each person used within a date period, only listing each tool they used once, in the same cell. On this page, the person's name was in column A, Types of tools used in column B and the helper columns were in column G:K. Here's what I got:
The first helper column (G2):
=IF(COUNTIFS(Table7[Person's Name],A2,Table7[Screw Driver],"Y",Table7[Date],">="&1/1/20,Table7[Date],"<="&3/31/20),"Screw Driver","")
In the last helper column (K2):
=IF(COUNTIFS(Table7[Person's Name],A2,Table7[Hammer],"Y",Table7[Date],">="&1/1/20,Table7[Date],"<="&3/31/20),IF(J2="","Hammer",J2&"/"&"Hammer"),J2)

In B2 I just entered =K2

Thanks again and I hope this helps someone. EZPD
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Hi, first of all thanks for creating this resource. I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours and I'm stuck. I'm using your 'concatenate cells if same value' but my script is looking at column "D" instead of "A. I can't figure out how to get it to use a different column for the data besides the one right next to it. In my cases I want it to look at column "D" to see if the value is the same and if so, it will grab the data from column "H" and put that data from column "H' into a cell in column "J". How do I switch this to use column "H" for the data? Thx

Sub ConcatenateCellsIfSameValues()
Dim xCol As New Collection
Dim xSrc As Variant
Dim xRes() As Variant
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim xRg As Range
xSrc = Range("D1", Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp)).Resize(, 2)
Set xRg = Range("J1")
On Error Resume Next
For I = 2 To UBound(xSrc)
xCol.Add xSrc(I, 1), TypeName(xSrc(I, 1)) & CStr(xSrc(I, 1))
Next I
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim xRes(1 To xCol.Count + 1, 1 To 2)
xRes(1, 1) = "No"
xRes(1, 2) = "Products"
For I = 1 To xCol.Count
xRes(I + 1, 1) = xCol(I)
For J = 2 To UBound(xSrc)
If xSrc(J, 1) = xRes(I + 1, 1) Then
xRes(I + 1, 2) = xRes(I + 1, 2) & vbCrLf & xSrc(J, 2)
End If
Next J
xRes(I + 1, 2) = Mid(xRes(I + 1, 2), 2)
Next I
Set xRg = xRg.Resize(UBound(xRes, 1), UBound(xRes, 2))
xRg.NumberFormat = "@"
xRg = xRes
End Sub
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"I can't figure out how to get it to use a different column for the data besides the one right next to it. In my cases I want it to look at column 'D' to see if the value is the same and if so, it will grab the data from column 'H' and put that data from column 'H' into a cell in column 'J'."

Did you ever figure this out?
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looks like 2 of your formulas are wrong :

=IF(A2<>A3,CONCATENATE(A2,",""",C2,""""),""). You need to change "A2" to "D1". As you'll want to add the string to the previous cell.

same goes for this formula :

=IF(A2<>A1,B2,C1 & "," & B2) : Change C1 to D1.

kind regards

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I use this VBA for lots of my spreadsheets and its great. But the spreadsheets have become very large 50k+ rows and it doesnt seem to be working any more. If I use it on 1000 rows it works fine but large sets of data it cant seem to cope with. No errors just no results. Any help would be appreciated.
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Hi James,
I tested the code as you mentioned, but it still works well in my case even I set the rows to 1000+.
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Using the VBA macro and getting great results, I have tried tweaking it slightly for my needs but cant get it to work so I hope you can help.

Which bit do I change to make it concat a specific column, not the one directly to the right of the xSrc = Range?

Thanks for your great work!
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Or as a better option, if you had 3 columns instead of 2 and found duplicates in column A (like your example) can you concat column B into a cell and column C into a seperate cell? So if you had columns of Number, Colour, Age, could you concat colour and age into different columns upon finding duplicates in Number? Hope that makes sense!
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